Season Sale - 15% Off
Class Ultra long range
Max. passengers 14
Year of production 2009 lock icon PRO
Serial number 623
Homebase UUWW (VKO), Vnukovo
Cabin height 1.89 m
Cabin width 2.38 m
Cabin length 10.12 m
Luggage volume 3.60 m³
360° view Link
6 divan seats
Beds (sleeping places): 4 (6)
Cabin crew
Hot meal
Wireless internet
Satellite phone
Entertainment system
With a classic trijet engine design, these type of aircraft can use small airports at high altitudes, even on hot days. They are highly the most versatile aircraft and also one of the safest given its ability to fly slower on approach than its twinjet competitors.
A state-of-the-art flight deck offers pilots the ability to monitor and control the progression of the flight while the spacious cabin offers passengers a comfortable journey.


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